Title: “Chainging”
Material: Painted mild steel
Year: 2017
Owner: Private collection, Nevada, USA
The physical as well as intellectual, spiritual changes are an important part of everyone’s life, and the constant changing is the inevitable part of life itself. By going through the various phases and periods of life, each individual has ups and downs, and so the sculpture “Changing” symbolises the frozen modular form of metamorphosis recording the moment of uplift and assembling the moduls downward. This kind of form, a frozen moment somewhere in between, has for its purpose to, in every individual, awaken the moment of self-analysis of their own position – Where am I in this moment? Is this my upward or downward path? Am I and how am I changing and growing?
As well as making an association to the individual changes in different periods of life, with this sculpture I also wanted to cover one significantly larger cycle through which each of us goes through, having a form that involves birth, progress, growth and maturement while if read the other way around, the elements of assembling moduls take the meaning of transience, decay and extinguishing of time. The in between, linking the upward and downward path, is the point of the present moment. This “now” is the only thing we have in each individual moment and it’s something that we must constantly be reminded of. We cannot be looking at life, we must be actively engaged in it.
Art historian Teodora Jeremić