Location: National Library, White Church
Date: 16. 05. to 14. 06. 2019
Birds are the theme of this exhibition and Nenad’s artistic world is based on the semantic knowledge of these creatures.
By identifying man’s inner states with the behavior of birds, the author manifests every human mood through a body of a bird.
In that way he makes possible the look deep inside oneself and in the people in ones surroundings.
With his expression he aims to capture the state of mind of every individual in a specic situation; a character, an emotion.
Artist goal is that the observer recognizes some of his/ hers characteristics or emotions in the sculptures and in that way
becomes closer to his own personal impression of a bird. The other thing on which the artist insists on is the eternal question of
duality of each individual being, and Milovanovic makes that clear in the very title of the exhibition – Fight or Flight.
This dualism can also be seen in the strong and vigorous movement of his sculptures that are standing still; the cracked forms and shapes etc.
A big role in expressing these dierent states and moods plays the very material from which the sculptures are made from – metal, where with the direct
interventions (welding and minting in the material) the marks that shape the states of mind are made. The pieces that make the exhibition were made
in the period from 2012. to 2014.
Art historian and curator of ULUS gallery Olivera